
Comprehensive and best-in-class Revenue Cycle Services

Our specialty-specific medical billing includes processing of all claims within 24-hours allowing you to grow your practice and increase collections while lowering operational expenses. MedexSvcs provides complete revenue cycle management services to clients of every scale catering to every medical specialty today

Let Medex Services help you thrive as A Successful Practice

Our customized services caters to Specialty-Focused practice management needs and let clinicians save time and effort while optimizing their practice processes.

Professionals who Understand Your Practice

Our uniquely designed practice management and medical billing processes suits every specialty. Our well-versed billing staff understand the ins and outs of your practice financial needs. BellMedex’s end-to-end powerful billing services are trusted by thousands of healthcare providers throughout the country. We help private practices to earn more while delivering optimal care and serving their small to large size practices better than ever before. 

Our Billing Services and Revenue Cycle Management Services are used by

  • Small and Large Practices
  • Solo Physicians
  • Independent Medical Practice Groups
  • Physician Groups
  • Hospital-owned Physician Practices and Groups
  • Medical Clinics
  • DME companies
  • Hospitals
  • In-home health services providers
  • Non-Emergency Medical Transportation (NEMT)
  • Freestanding Emergency Centers
  • Urgent Cares
  • Ambulance service
  • Laboratories

Serving All Specialities Across Medical Spectrum